Interviews are a great way to get authentic messaging from your staff or students about their experiences.

  • Just like when planning a school film, it is important to think about the messaging and story that you are trying to tell. This will help inform the questions that it is best to ask.

  • It’s best if people stumble upon the answers you want naturally, rather than reading from a script, as this can sometimes come across as a bit forced unless you are specifically good at that. Leading & open-ended questions are the most effective way of instigating these answers from people.

  • Typically we can interview a student in a 15-minute time slot, but an adult or a member of the SLT should be allowed about 30 minutes. This is because adults tend to find interviews more stressful than students and need a bit more time to get comfortable.

  • After the interview, I will share a full-length transcript of the interview with you, where you can select the bits which you feel are most relevant. We will use these to create a concise and targeted video with informative messaging.

  • Location. The audio will benefit from shooting the interview in a quiet location, away from slamming doors and passing traffic. Being away from the noise is more important than being in a good-looking location.